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Allison Drayton Skin & Life Transformations

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Environ Rejuvenation Facial Course (90 min x 6 treatments)

  1. Environ Rejuvenation Facial Course (90 min x 6 treatments)

Gift Pass: Environ Rejuvenation Facial Course (90 min x 6 treatments)

Facial Rejuvenation treating a variety of skin concerns: A unique combination of pulsed sono/micro current , micro peel, before we will bathe your skin cells with serums of antioxidants, high concentrations of vitamins A, C and E as well as peptides to work in synergy to help maintain a smoother-looking and more radiant youthful appearance. For enhanced results, we recommend Dermalux LED phototherapy to activate and increase your skin cell functions to enhance rejuvenation, skin healing and superior hydration.
ADD ON: Dermalux Enhancer £25
I hope you enjoy this Environ Rejuvenation Facial Course (90 min x 6 treatments)!

Environ Rejuvenation Facial Course (90 min x 6 treatments)

Allison Drayton Skin & Life Transformations